Cost-effective separation and transport of screenings
Pointing-the-way and innovative screening technology

  • Vertical steep installation angle of 70° / 75°
  • For high discharge heights and deep channels
  • For high flow rates
  • Lifting of screenings at bottom level possible

The STEP SCREEN® System is widely accepted and successful due to its function and easy-to-follow operation principle as well as the simple cleaning method without any aids (self-cleaning effect according to the counter-current principle).

It is furthermore easy to maintain and able to handle extremely big screenings volumes whilst it also offers a high operational reliability. The motor linkage drive has been developed from the well-proven and patented link system.

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To the benefit of our customers we intentionally avoided difficult-to-maintain chain drives. With the linkage type we are able to master the occurring bending moments on the lamellas, especially with high water levels.



The benefits of the vertical HUBER Fine Screen STEP SCREEN® SSV at a glance:

Function principle:

  • Lifting of screenings at bottom level due to a special bottom step design
  • Gentle and complete screenings transport due to the counter-current principle

Retrofitting / new plants:

  • Optimally adjustable to individual constructional conditions (high discharge height, deep channel) due to the steep installation angle

Flow rate:

  • High capacity; the flow passes the screen surface only once

Separation efficiency:

  • High separation efficiency due to the narrow slot width and the produced screenings carpet


  • Self-cleaning effect due to movable lamellas (no spray water, no brushes)

Operational stability:

  • Reduced susceptibility to grit, gravel and stones due to the bottom step washing system

Protection against corrosion:

  • Manufactured from stainless steel and acidtreated in a pickling bath


  • Unrivalled for more than 20 years

Pivoting arrangement:

  • Removal of the subsequent wash press or conveying unit is not required.


Case Studies


Design Sketch

Design Sketch





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