Efficient Sludge Treatment at Small Plants
While sludge treatment equipment is already installed at larger plants in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, many small treatment plants that are designed for a total population of around 10,000 or less are still awaiting state-of-the art sludge treatment. The situation is now gradually improving in the Czech Republic.
Disc thickeners RoS2S and small screw presses RoS3Q are perfectly fitting for small treatment plants. These machines have the advantages that they far reduce sludge mass and volume while their energy consumption is low (in particular in comparison with centrifuges), their maintenance easy and inexpensive, and their operation fully automated. These advantages are especially important for small treatment plants.
Six RoS2S disc thickeners are presently in operation in the Czech Republic. During the first six months of 2008 another two RoS2S thickeners and two RoS3Q screw presses will be installed. Because all operators, without exception, are very happy with our equipment, they are often used as basis of design for new sludge treatment projects. We can expect to receive orders for many more units in future.
Good reference installations at several sites have also contributed to our success. And we organized several on-site demonstrations with mobile machines, e.g. a RoS 3Q demonstration at a wastewater treatment plant near Brno during the VOD-KA exhibition of environmental technology. Some of our customers also visited the HUBER factory in Berching – and were very impressed by our high manufacturing quality.